Sunday, 10 November 2013


A couple of you mentioned the difficulty of commenting on our blog, so we've made a change.  You no longer need a google account (or wordpress or whatever) to leave a comment.

At the end of each blog, where it says No Comments (or comments when someone finally does!), click on that link.  You are given several options in a drop down menu, one being Name/URL and the other Anonymous.  I think you can use either option if you don't have any other account.  It would be nice if you left your name so we know who you are, but I'll leave that up to you!

We love hearing from you!

Today we are off to Spokane, WA. Whee!!

1 comment:

  1. Well thank goodness you got rid of that crazy Google account thing!! Enjoying the blog!!
    Love your LUDITE pal from Saskatoon but currently enjoying the postcard-like winter in Anglin!!��
