Tuesday, 26 November 2013


I feel I should chime in here as it’s been a while since I’ve posted.  I thought I’d be the only one writing, but good thing Christy has lots to say!  I find I get lost in my head and don’t know where to start or what to say when it comes to a blog post.  And quite frankly, admitting it hasn’t worked out as planned is not an easy thing to do.

While the idea for this trip came from Christy, I was all gung ho. Who doesn’t like change better than me? Who doesn’t get bored with the same ol’ same ol’ faster than me? Who thinks rolling around the country in a tiny space with another person, two big dogs and a cat isn’t the funnest thing ever (that grammatical error was for you, Mom)?  Discovering your true self isn’t always pleasant. Nor enlightening in that Oprah sort of way.  Mostly it’s stinky in the “I haven’t showered in several days and have no clean underwear left” kind of way. Or very, very self pitying in the “sobbing in the bathroom while the Moho rocks down another elfin’ road” kind of way.  

I stood in line in Walmart in Buckeye, AZ the other day. The woman in front of me had lots and lots of items to check out.  The cashier was new. You know the drill.  I tried not to roll my eyes. I tried not to sigh deeply and just loudly enough for her to hear. I wanted to. But then I saw what I think were food stamps laid out on various items along the belt.  There were six or seven of them, and each of them covered a different food group - veggies, baby food, dairy.  And I looked at what I had: case of Blue Moon beer, their seasonal variety pack, a bottle of Maker’s Mark Bourbon, a candy bar, an Arizona Cardinals t-shirt, some travel-sized Advil for an upcoming trip to Bhutan, chips and snacks for the Grey Cup game we were going to watch on our laptop in our RV….you see where I’m going with this?

The woman with the food stamps apologized for holding up the line. I said it was no problem.  I wanted to hand her all the money in my pocket and leave empty handed.  But I didn’t.  And later I realized no matter how much I dislike this manner of travel, I am priviliged to be able to do it.  And that makes complaining seem wrong.

So here we are in Colorado City, Colorado! :)  Safe and sound and plugged in for warmth.  There’s snow here after the big storm that went through a few days ago. We have been blessed to either be just before big storms or chasing them. Just the way I like it!  We are hoping to blast through and be home by Thursday, but it may not be until Friday. That’s ok. As long as we make it safe, all will be sound.  

Here are some photos from the last few days to keep you entertained… 

Somewhere between Gallup and Albuquerque...beautiful landscape!

Bobble Head Phil Robertson, from Duck Dynasty. My hero!

Typical sign you see on I-40, as part of it once was Route 66

And of course, there's the Route 66 Casino!  Just outside of Albuquerque

And finally, thumbs up from Christy, as she navigates us through another freeway system, this one the interchange between I-40 and I-25. It has even been recognized by important government agencies for it's design!

Hugs and kisses to all!

1 comment:

  1. Loving your blog and the pictures but they just can't compare to having you here. Travelling mercies.
