Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Lists & Leaving!

What would we do without lists?  Both of us are constantly writing up lists of things-to-do, even in the the slowest of times. Perhaps it's our need to feel busy? Gives us some purpose? In the last few months, however, THE list has been our major focus and quite necessary.

I like lists to keep track of all the to-do's I think of over the course of a day (or night, as my Mom and fellow worrier can relate to). It helps me stay focused and not lose sight of the day's goal.  Perhaps it was (and is) all the television I watched as a kid, or maybe it's the damn smartphone, but I can flit from one task to another pretty easily and not get anything done.

My favourite thing to do with a list is to add items I've already done.  C'mon, you do it too! Why should I be penalized for not remembering I had to do something at the time of writing the list but realizing it later and then doing it? I want some credit, baby!

So, yes, lists. We've made several versions of THE list: WHAT TO DO BEFORE OUR BIG TRIP!!! And now, we are actually LEAVING!!

Yesterday we spent running through the halls and up and down stairs draining pipes and lines. Then we blew pipes and lines with compressed air. And finally, we put antifreeze in most of the pipes.  Getting antifreeze all the way through the hot water system proved to be too much of a challenge for these two gals, so we will rely on our fabulous job of blowing air through it.  It's all a just-in-case thing, really.  In case the furnace quits while we're gone, the pipes won't burst.  We also spent some time at the well pit draining the pressure tank and installing a shut-off valve for the next time we have to do this.

When it was all over, we had some of our friend Leslie's borscht for supper (yum!) and a well deserved drink. And this is what we saw:

Our last sunset here at the farm for a while, and was a beauty!

We are off today to start our adventure. Grasslands National Park is night number one!  The power is supposed to still be on, according to one gal I've been emailing.  The gal on the phone said it wasn't. So let's hope contestant number one is right!

Then it's Great Falls, Montana, for Thursday night and we should be back online with our fancy hotspot gizmo.

See you then!

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